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This quality is insaneeee, good job! love the update c:

Thanks! Really glad you love it

Where is the Android Download Link? 🗣


We publish this at 5 am so we waiting for the guy that doing android build to wake up 😂

I ended up asking this at the dev log post lol

I have my answer now! (Waiting... A n x i o u s l y...)

Android version of the game is impossible to play due to it crashing every few seconds. I'd say it's a great game from the page, but..

I will look into it but may I know what kind of brand of your phone that you using because it work fine on mine

I run a Samsung. I've noticed the opening menu works just fine, but as soon as I attempt to click into anything (options, play, load, etc.. the game runs about 4 seconds before crashing. 

muito bom o jogo estou esperando ansiosamente pela atualização

is the patreon page already made? if so can you link it


not yet cause we dont want to maek patreon but ended up havent done anything with it

Do you have a forecast for when the first part will come out?

next year probably..

Soon a full version or buy?


it free but u can get it early on patreon


Is this vn on hiatus?


it still a work in progress

Is there any ETA for the update?


no sadly

(2 edits) (+9)

Guys for those who which this game will update soon, sadly it would takes more time than you guys expected because... some issues and drama on Twitter that happens to the artist who draw character portraits for the game. I don't want to say this but there's a very high chance that this project might get canceled, or even get boycotted if they released the full version

The thing is, I myself still believe that the 'artist' is not completely guilty of something he had commit, sure he's befriended with someone that many people see them as a bad person, but the thing is, the said 'bad person' get reviled for only a month or two, but the 'artist' get harassed for befriended with them for HALF A YEAR. And believe it or not, till these days people still harass the artist with negative comments on Twitter since this year February

I still hope that things will get well soon, sure the 'artist' made some bad decision, but I still think he didn't deserve such these negative comments, because it looks like they can't do anything with the 'bad person' so they did it to the 'artist' instead, and some of them are "death threat"

P.S. Hey the artist if you see this then I want to say thank you, you were the very first people I followed since I start using Twitter, I feel bad for what happened to you, though I still think what you did was not a good thing, but I won't gonna say anything furthermore than I hope things will get better soon, I still hope you can solve your problem soon in the future, and hope people will stop witch-hunting you too.


I make sure to tell the artist ur message thanksk! also we still working on it.. it really in slow process since we all been busy..

Deleted 2 years ago

I hope they replace all of Flunky's art with someone else after what he did.


i really like this game and hope for an update soon


Update soon?


is the demo the only version rn i have been looking but have found nothing else

Probably 95% of independent VNs never even make it past the demo or partial release (not saying that's the case here, but it's more common than not.) When they do make it to the full game, it usually takes a considerable amount of time.

okay thank

How long does each chapter have playing time?🤔

longer than demo that for sure 

ima try the demo <3


ok but, I'm intrigued ,invested, even,

I heard this game from Hubby in FB. I LOVE IT!!!! OWO

I see so much improvement from the last updates. this is going to be so amazing!!!! If ya would want some help or another boi to your ?team? I am here!

When will the first official update come out?

will this game have a patreon?


We plan to but we will make it after we finished writing all the story line first~ so we wont have a problem like postponed the update or something..

We also plan to open a ych for background character too but this is still in discussion

does this game have a server on discord?

Yes we do have but we mainly use for our place to discuss about this project so it wont be open to public yet


estou ansioso para essa atualização você merece todo meu respeito ☺😊

I loved the art of this game very well done. Are you planning to release the next update with the full game?
sorry I was spelled wrong I didn't speak Portuguese😅

It gonna take a while but we still gonna release chapter by chapter but we just want to finish the whole story script first 


is the game still in demo?


Do we have any idea on when the next update will be?

It gonna take a while

Deleted 2 years ago

we still looking somewhere to slip in the *spicy* stuff.. probally in the bush or something XD

Deleted 2 years ago

His painting style is great and I am looking forward to the next game

Deleted 3 years ago

What happened?? I haven't played it yet, I was planning to till I saw this comment... Any context???

Deleted 3 years ago

you should just try the game ^^. Who the dev work with is not important. If he choose to seek the help of a "bad" guy then this is his choice. We have no right to judge it considering our lack of information considering their relation. (it is only my opinion but i dont think that it is right to try and hurt the dev and his project).

Deleted 3 years ago

First of, I quite proud that you going this far attacking me instead of my twitter.. second, we don't really have a goal for this game to go far since we doing this just for fun.. You being here just to rub the dirt on this game just make you look bad on yourself..

(1 edit) (+3)

you reacted fast thx ^^. I was kinda worried this comment could do harm to the project...


I'm so siked for another update 😄


heyy, ur pfp is really nice!! do u have the source still? or know the artist cause i like that style.

I have the image but I forgot what artist did it 😅, but I found it in twitter 

awww there wasnt a watermark? ;-;
also if you ever find out again can you tell me


This demo is kinda short, yet made me feel very hyped for what you guys are cooking for us in the backstage >w>

Looks like the story will be very interesting, I can't wait to see all the interactions we'll have with the other survivors and how our choices might affect the plot :3

One thing I'm wondering about though, I've heard you guys want us to imagine our fursonas as the main character instead of giving them its own design...isn't that going to make the creation of pictures (where us, the main character, is interacting with the other survivors) kinda hard considering the MC won't be allowed to appear in it at all? And, assuming you guys insert NSFW stuff here (idk if y'all actually will but this is just an example), this will be even more difficult for...obvious, wondering if y'all have considered giving the MC its own design or maybe a character creation thingy when we start off the game? Talking about the latter, I know, I know this is something hard to implement, but it doesn't need to be suuuuuper advanced where everyone can literally recreate their fursona here, no, a very simple one would do, just put some species there with some color options and call it a day (maybe not even the color stuff, just make the player say what specie their fursona is and done lol). Meanwhile, the former might make it easier for the artists to draw the pictures, considering they won't need to draw the MC over and over according to the specie the players choose...sorry for the big wall of text, this was going to be a simple question and became a suggestion as well pfffff x3, anyhow, I'm fine with having to imagine my fursona (this boy in my profile) as the MC, just wondering how y'all will handle the picture stuff VNs have tbh

And again, I'm really looking forward for the next updates, hope to see more from you guys soon :3, or not, no need to rush the development, take everything slowly and we shall witness a masterpiece whenever it's ready >:3


How do we access the full game? I'm willing to pay for it but I don't know how

The game still in the development but I appreciated the support <3 

Thanks, any idea when the full game or just more of it will be accessible? 

I have a doubt  beforewhen you entered to download the game, other images would appear but now they are changed to those of the game. What happened to the others?

Sorry my English is bad 

The game is getting rework and I might forgot to change it 

Thank you ^^

You probly get a million of these but when's an offical update comin? Idk what I'm asking but who know maybe I'll get an answer 😉


It gonna take a while that all I can say but I promised u the wait gonna be worth it

I bet it will be 😄

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I made an account just to say:

stop wasting your time. child

nobody needs to hear you rant about how much you hate furries despite you for some reason bothering to post your comment on a furry visual novel instead of ignoring it and mumbling to yourself.


It literally is a child: They used their student email address and we notified their school that they were spreading hate messages after suspending their account.


They got what they deserved


this make my day


my critiques to the creator(s) and thanks in advance:

you guys have been working well in your demo, keep it going at your own pace.
I will mentally support this Visual Novel Game, because i see this game content are done well, here is some feedback to help you in the future game development updates:

+you set up the tone just right for a misadventure and romantic themes, i want to see more development progress. 
Stick with what you guys have so far and build it and make the story themes firm and work out any bumps you feel are challenging.

and with a few suggestions, 
keep mastering the "voice" and attitude of the main character (the player), the voice of the character is good and keep creating the tone and the personality of the player. Do this to all your characters' aspects of their character development.

now to sentencing cleaning:
"A laptop, which I took out of the bag to take with me to my seat before throwing myself into my own seat, letting out a loud sigh of relief."

you could proofread and make it read it less clunky, as:
" laptop, which I took out of my bag before throwing myself into my own seat, letting out a loud sigh of relief." 

in That example, you can avoid using the same words too many times in  sentence and make it simple and smooth context sentence, and best part take your time smoothing out words and not be too repetitive.

+ ambience noise or sounds: i like how you use the choice of sounds for certain background context in the airport and airplane scenes, such as people in airport, emergency or sense of danger, and sounds of heavy movement, and slowly drowning into the sea!

this question is for the creator(s) of this project:

Who are the official team members that is working on this "Stranded" project?

our team is consist of 4 people.. A local fur that I know for a long time :)


my worst fear is my plane crashing and i was so close to closing the game :)

Had a lonely time...

Im still not reading it but as i read at the story.... I think its gonna be super awesome 

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