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(1 edit) (+1)

Wait what death flag mean???


It means kims gonna die



(1 edit) (+2)

 Hello Daddy W-Wait i Mean Hello Kim ^-^


And Thank God. I Choosed To Not Let Kim Eat The Blueberries

Wait what happened if kI'm eat the blueberry?

just extra dialogue. Kim and the MC won't die


Actually, there's a random chance of something happening when you eat the berries, that's how you unlock 2 CGs in the gallery.


Oh wow, I was trying to find those 2 cg's. Thx


will it be downloadable on itch app??


Yay finally it's updated been waiting for this VN for a long time OwO


wow, i thought this was dead

Daddy sorry daddy😳

Thank you for blessing us with this Update!


Kim is a good boy, and a daddy 👀

Deleted 248 days ago

Echo is goated


Na versão Android o idioma português não aparece ?

O idioma em português não aparece em nenhuma versão, eu continuei lendo em inglês.

(1 edit)

There is a small mistake on one of the CGs, the CG of when they are introducing themselves, the "red fox" doesn't have the dark marks on his muzzle

Apart from that everything looks amazing 



holy sheeeesh

Wait so they're like dead??

(1 edit) (+4)

it's finally here


Hi. Is this project abandoned?



The second build is here rn

the art is great and the characters seem pretty neat, pretty short rn and couldnt get to the mature scene with the choices I got, feels like too little time to really get to it as well so idk how it's supposed to happen?

The plot is great and an amazing art! I love so much that I can't stop thinking about it even after finishing it some weeks ago. Willing and looking forward for the next update.

am still waiting unti today day i wait this game since 2020~but will wait for this game ^^


Im liking it a looooot, game isnt abandonned check twitter for updates

Is this safe? My phone flags this as a virus


Your phone will tell you that about everything you download in something that is not "play store" or anything you have if you have an anti-virus cheap.

I am not being rude btw please don't hate me

i really thought this one was abandoned i love the art i was so sad 


This gonna be good if they took so long to make it


Played this game. What can i tell. The game have very beautiful arts and relaxing music.

I heard that they still working on it

The only downside is lack of content - yep this really short and i hope that in future builds there will be more content


For those worried about lack of updates, I recommend checking the twitter where updates for progress are being posted.

(4 edits) (+3)

Not a terrible VN by any means, but very basic in its tropes and writing. To be honest, the nicely drawn art and its style did make me hope for a better first impression - story wise.

Regardless, let's see (and hope) that the year(s) of development since the demos release will change that.

Edit: I don't really understand the comments beneath me, at all. People are way too willing to defend and/or shit on a game that barely contains enough content to feel that strongly about - be it negative or positive.


It has been more than one year since the last update…


Is this game being abandoned? I hope not 🤧


Damn the comments 'ere is a battlefield, but still can't wait for next chap


Note: If you want to go read some drama in the comments, scroll down just a tad :3

the comment section is a battlefield...


Even at the afterclass and farbeyondtheworld which has tons but the owner of fbtw took the comment section down completely.

Sii, de hecho, esa es de mis visual novels favoritas, me encantaba la trama y cuando ví que seguía en desarollo, desactivaron los comentarios y no ví noticias, ando algo preocupado

Loving this VN so far!


Terrific artwork but terrible writing.

This is just a tired anime clichés extravaganza with furries. Looks good but is really not worth attention.


literally no one else agrees with you and everyone else loves this game pookie 


L take on a game that's barley out


Oh no! Someone dares to have criticisms for an in-development game! How could they, oh no!

The game being in development hardly excuses flaws with the core elements the developers are definitely not going to change after putting so much work into them, like the general stylistic direction or major plot points.

Let me summarize the demo: "Oh no, everyone's dead! Men, women, and even children! Such a massive and senseless loss of life! It's such a horrible tragedy! Oh god, there's a plush bunny in the sand covered in child's blood... BUT HEY, THE FOX IS A TSUNDERE, EVERYONE! LOOOL! O: OOOOOOOH!  D:<  NO I AM NOT! NOT LIKE I WANTED YOUR ATTENTION YOU BAAAAKA!"

That is just... not good writing. And the fact something so outright bad made it to the demo stage shows this is the intended direction for the project. So yeah, this is just a bad VN. Still in the making, but already clearly bad.

(1 edit) (+14)

Seems a bit harsh for a story that's barely been started, and we can't really figure out what its intentions are yet.

also about the whole "who cares about everybody who died at all" I'd think they would explore how the characters feel more about that later, but I don't really know, you may be right.

I don't really mean to be rude about this and all but why do you feel so strongly that this game should be pushed down and not be seen? There's a lot of people that enjoy silly things like what your describing, and itch shouldn't be full of vn's that only you deem as "appropriate" or "well written." There are many worse ones, it's all just a matter of which ones are the better ones.

(You seem like an expert in this field, do you have experience writing vn's or stories? You give incredibly detailed reviews.)

(2 edits) (+13)(-3)

seems like you hate a lot more than you like tho :p

if you want a high quality story that meets your expectations, just make it yourself lmao. If you can't even do that simple task you don't get to criticize others

at the end of the day, its still your opinion and I respect that, but making basically hate comments nitpicking what you don't like doesn't help the author really.

(1 edit) (+1)(-12)

Go back and read your own comment. You just literally made a suggestion that only accomplished writers are allowed to criticize literary media. I'll be generous and call it silly, but you should know better than make such comments.

Oh well, what did I expect from a little troll who dives into my comments history in an attempt to dig up dirt instead of making a proper case for his point.


YOU make a better one then. PLEASE if you know SO MUCH about writing, PLEASE write something better.


I don't follow this game but I decided to click on this page cause it's been a while since its demo release and I see this argument.

I'm just going to have to point you toward the fact that editors and proofreaders exist and they are considered PROFESSIONALS when reading and judging if something is "good". They know what makes for good writing but lack the ability to create for themselves. Especially so since they are CONSUMERS just like all of us.

 Your comment does not make any rational or logical sense. Oh, you don't like this thing? You go make something better and let us all judge. That's like 5-year-old me trying to come up with an argument about something.


Bro. The guy complaining is not a professional proof reader. this was weeks ago, please go away.


I don't know when will be the next update because it says on the more information tab that its still in develepment i know it sucks that its been taking soo long, but guys be patient they have lives too they will surely gave us soon some updates about the project .

I think they don't have enough money to finish the game I guess

huh, no.

I'm pretty sure that isn't the problem lmao @_@

So where are the updates?


If I recall correctly, they were having trouble with the writer. The broad strokes were done, they just needed someone to fill it in. Last I heard, they were able to get someone more permanent.

However, I'll concede that the promised chapter 2 is still not out

Check their twitter....


I am new here...! Just wanted to know how things are going, the game so far is amazing. I just hope you are not feeling the weigh of big expectations.


I check every day to see if the project has been updated yet, the story just seems that good. Is progress slowed since you don't have a writer, or that your writer is just super busy?


Basically, theyre working on the game so they can stress free do monthly updates, so theyre working on the first idk 12 months maybem then monthly updates as they wrok on the next 12 yk

I knew that, just asking if progress was slowed since their writer was super busy. They had mentioned releasing the first update as a one year anniversary thing or just soon in general, so I was just curious.

amazing dialogue and art. can't wait for it to be continued.

Oh I forgot to mention is this a linear vn or are there routes

Because from the looks of it we can't go on Owen or Lucy's route


From what I recall, there are supposed to be routes for each of the characters you have met. 

The choice in the end of the demo either doesn't matter in the long run, or there's more choices to solidify the route



I just hope we get all 5 routes

i dont think lucy will be a route, but the other 4 absolutely

(1 edit)

If you're fine with some reeally minor spoilers, they did a survey a long time ago, giving little hints for the direction of the fvn

The results of the survey:

thanks for the survey though it doesn't outright say she's not going to be a playable route

Fingers crossed 

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