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Это лучшая новелла, что я читал! Описание персонажей, их эмоций - это просто нечто. Каждый персонаж уникальный и чем-то притягивает. Хочется узнать обо всех побольше, узнать их как личность. В общем, 1000/10. Жду продолжения.


Я рад, что тебе нравится! В будущем будет еще больше, так что жди с нетерпением!

(2 edits)

Reading the past comments, it was hinted on NSFW content, is there any available? 

I like to connect on a personal level when there's a protagonist as I imagine myself in the story; having NSFW is a bonus that makes things even more special for me; I understand that it's not for everyone, but for me makes things even more special; 

Can the protagonist be bottom or top? I'm a top only, but I can't forget our bottom friends, hence me asking about the 'position'; Of course all this depends if there is NSFW content; Thank you for any information;


I could only say that we are finding a "spot" for NSFW content since the story is already packed with dangerous around it so NSFW content is still TBD for now 


Thank you for the information! I'll gladly play it still, not expecting a NSFW scene while I play, otherwise it'd be frustrating playing while hoping/curious for a NSFW scene and not having it! 

New favorite VN






Obrigado!! <3


This VN was really cool. It was Funny and Charming in Many ways (My Favorite Character was Beru ) :) Please take your time to make a great Visual Novel!

literally the only novel that I liked the most and which I will check for updates every day

have u tried promises to keep


Since we do not know the Main Character's looks, this is what I imagine him to look like:


six(I'm chinese)


The artstyle is


10/10 READ IT OR YOU SHALL OFFICIALLY BE WITHIN THE DISTANCE OF BEING HEADBUTTED BY ME (i have a stone ninehead instead of a forehead) 


I need more of my baby man beru,



We are actually in the middle of making a chapter that highly concentrates on Beru.. I won't tell which chapter is that but I can say it going to get very funny and quite intense! You know about the bear soon~

Amma need my baby bear as soon as possible great game btw

I can't believe it has just been ten days of waiting I feel like it has been a month or two

Damm time sure dose fly when you go in high school

- Hello! Excuse me, please! But I just couldn’t help but share this sketch! This scenario arose in my brain after watching one film, and my God, how it fits in this moment!

- Once again I apologize! This sketch does not have any spoilers for the plot, but simply the fantasy of my sour brain!

The clouds thicken, the wind pricks the skin as the flames violently sway as the fire moves ever closer to the takeoff area.

Everything is on fire, that forest, which previously seemed like a heavenly Eden, now looked more like a real Hell, with burning trees and the air full of smoke.

And it just so happened that the take-off site was perfectly located surrounded by these same trees.

– Start it up! – Kim shouts as he struggles to pry off the co-pilot's control wheel.

– It doesn't work! Too much weight! Ugh! – Terry tries to shout the answer, but it sounds more like a desperate panting as he furiously presses any buttons on the dashboard to lift the helicopter off the ground.

– I-I'll stay! – Beru croaked, although his voice seemed confident, but despair was clearly heard in it.

– What?! You're crazy, we won't abandon anyone! – Lucy looked furiously at Beru, she sincerely did not want to leave anyone on this thrice-cursed island, but she certainly did not expect to leave anyone to die here.

– I know I know! But there is no way out! Someone must stay! And I weigh more than each of you! – Beru almost begged, hoping in his heart that he would be wrong.

– Look! Now, all those who believe in miracles, close your eyes, and on the count of three we take off! – Hisoka shouted as loudly as possible to attract everyone’s attention to himself.

He had an idea, a risky idea, but if it worked, his friends would be saved, and that was the main thing.

– What? Are you kidding me or something, this won’t work! – Owen was almost furious, he couldn’t even imagine that Hisoka would say something like that, but in fact he prayed that he had a plan.

– Just trust, okay? – Hisoka asked, smiling softly and hoping that they would listen to him.

– O-Okay. – Beru was the first to break the silence, his lips trembled, he was scared, but he believed Hisoka.


– Fine. – Lucy was next, there seemed to be distrust in her eyes, but she also clearly did not hide hope in Hisoka.


– OK. –Owen almost muttered, he was still trying to act brave, but Hisoka knew from those eyes that he was terrified to the core.


– Once! – Hisoka started counting down – Don’t peek. – he pointed at Owen and another smile appeared on his face, he didn’t want to deceive them, but he would have to, not for his own sake, but for their sake – Twooo... – now each of them kept his eyes tightly closed, all three clung to his hands to each other, praying to themselves that everything would end soon – Threeeee!!! – Hisoka opened the door of the helicopter and warm air came inside, dousing everyone with heat, which made them close their eyes even tighter – Start it up! – Hisoka shouted, after which a strange slap was heard.


– Come on, come on, come on, come on! – Kim began to pull the steering wheel again, as if if he let go, his life would end.


– Come on, a little more! – Terry screamed as if he was crazy, he prayed to all the gods to hear and save them.

"Come on!!!"

After what seemed like an eternity, the helicopter took off from the ground with a roar and began to gain altitude.


– We're flying, Hisoka! We're flying! HAHA! – Kim laughed, hope did not leave them, all was not lost.


– We're flying! We're flying!!! – Terry shouted, he was on the verge of tears of joy, they will return home.

"How hot!!!"

Gradually, as Kim and Terry's screams reached them, Beru, Lucy and Owen opened their eyes in disbelief.


That's right, they're flying! Just beyond the open door of the helicopter, the tops of trees engulfed in flames could be seen.

"How it burns!!!"

However, something was wrong.


The first person to notice that something was wrong was Owen. As his vision cleared from tears of joy, he noticed that there were only three of them left in the cabin.

"I can not breathe!!!"

Looking back at the others, he saw Lucy hugging Beru tightly, there was not a dry spot on the second's face. However, when she met Owen's gaze, she looked towards the helicopter's door, followed by a look of shock on her face.

"My head is spinning, it’s hot, very hot!!!"

Lucy gently pushes Beru away, causing him to look from Lucy to Owen in confusion, and then also looks at the open door of the helicopter, his face paler than usual.

"I can not breathe!!!"

As they approached the open door of the helicopter, all three froze for a second before looking down at the same time.

Hisoka waves at the ascending helicopter and smiles.

Terry looks straight at Hisoka and begins to cry.

– It worked! What's happened? – Kim happily repeats that they will be able to return home, until his attention was attracted by Terry, who was trembling, his grip on the steering wheel was so strong that his knuckles turned white.

However, just as Kim was about to call Terry again, the windshield began to crack from the rising heat - Phew! Crap! The heat is getting too intense, we need to get out quickly!

– Kim... – Lucy’s voice was indistinguishable, she simply stared straight at Hisoka, in the silent hope that this was just a mirage, that it would soon dissipate and Hisoka would be right here with them.

– Wait... – Owen groaned, he couldn’t believe it, he just couldn’t and didn’t want to, he didn’t want to believe in something like that. Tears flowed limply down his face and he had no intention of wiping them away, ever...

– Why? – Beru’s silent question was addressed to no one in particular, perhaps he was asking himself why he didn’t have the courage to do this, or he was asking Hisoka why he did this, although he knew perfectly well that he wouldn’t hear him at such a height.

– Tell me later what happened! Let's get off this island quickly! – Kim commanded, he was worried about the behavior of the others, but right now he had to get them out of here, otherwise they would all die.

Terry looks at Hisoka one last time.

"Fly away..."

– Yes.. – Terry needs to muster all his remaining strength to look away from Hisoka, he is in pain, a lot, and Hisoka too, he didn’t want this, no, he wanted something else, but not this. "Why? Why is this? For what?" Terry asked himself these questions as the helicopter continued to gain altitude and move further and further away from the island.


This is actually very interesting some part doeeesssss happened in the story plot.. (only like 2% of it?) But it amazingly well written!

(1 edit)


- The part with the burning forest or that Hisoka is sacrificing himself?


(1 edit)

Eu posso fazer uma fanart para vocês? Eu gostei tanto desse jogo que eu queria fazer uma fanart. (É só uma ideia, não sei se vou conseguir. Só queria saber se vocês recebem fanarts. Eu também não tenho o papel certo no momento, então isso pode levar bastante tempo.)

When It will update the new version? 

I am so exited to see the rest of this game !!

There won't be any update for long time.. We decided to release it when the script is fully written down so the player wont be facing a locked route

Oh Damn it !! :( 

ok thanks  (T-T)

When it Updaded  may i get a notice ?or.........

Will be posted on Twitter!!

- How old is Hisoka?

I would say around 22-25 years old

- Hello! Thanks for the answer! I was just very curious to know the age of the main character, otherwise it’s not at all clear why everyone treats him like that.

- Hmm.. I have a guess, but I would like to clarify.

- Could it be that Hisoka is a red panda?

Good guess! But he not a red panda XD.. That all I can reveal for now :3

- Eh! But happiness was soooo close!

(1 edit)

 Eu estou realmente encantado com o desenvolvimento do jogo até agora! A tradução desse jogo está perfeita e a história é muito boa! Os personagens marcantes e as cenas nesse jogo são perfeitos em todos os aspectos!

 Primeiramente, preciso falar dos personagens. Eles são muito cômicos, o que deixa o ambiente muito mais atraente, principalmente a Lucy. Essa coelha me faz rir o tempo todo e acredite: eu nunca me diverti tanto com uma VN em toda a minha vida. Outro personagem que eu achei interessante foi o Terry. Apesar daquela raposa ser um tanto "agressiva" às vezes, há algo nele que me deixa curioso. Eu não sei se aconteceu alguma coisa no momento do acidente, mas algo me diz que ele não foi sempre assim... Apesar dele ser fechado, ele também é bom... Às vezes... Kim também é outro personagem bastante intrigante, ele é bastante amigável e só quer o melhor para todos, apesar de cometer alguns erros... Só para completar, eu iria falar sobre os outros personagens, mas não quero deixar esse texto maior do que está ficando, hehehe...

 Outro fato que me interessou muito foi a história... É uma história bem pesada, principalmente as cenas do capítulo 2... Eu nunca senti tanto sentimentos desde o dia que joguei Undertale pela primeira vez... Apesar de ter muitas cenas cômicas, esse jogo também pode mudar de tom muito facilmente, o que o torna ainda mais incrível.

 Enfim, desculpa por escrever essa "redação", mas eu precisava falar o quanto estou gostando dessa VN. É sério, vocês não fazem ideia do quão bem feito o trabalho de vocês está ficando! Eu acredito que essa VN fará cada vez mais sucesso e espero que eu não receba uma bronca de vocês por escrever tanto. (🤣) Enfim, parabéns a todos vocês que estão desenvolvendo essa VN INCRÍVEL! Apesar de vocês serem uma equipe pequena, é possível perceber a quantidade de trabalho e carinho que vocês estão colocando para fazer um jogo assim. Parabéns a todos pelo enredo, pela tradução (e acredite, é a primeira VN com furries que acho em português), pelas músicas (elas são muito boas) e pela Lucy. (🤣🤣🤣)

P.S.: Por favor, não me matem por essa redação. 🤣🤣🤣

Obrigado pelo seu feedback, nós somos muito gratos por isso! Não tem problema escrever demais, eu gostei de ler todo seu feedback do nosso jogo!

It's giving me Lord of the Flies vibes


I actually ended up experiencing an error while trying to play the game using Joiplay.


Did they just silently update the game...?


That actually would be funny.. but no we just update the translation for the games


Dang it, I got excited... :(


what was updated ? It went from 0.2.0 to 0.2.1 Was just wondering-


We posted it on twitter that we update the game for the translation

Oh i see ! Thanks for telling and sorry.

(just wanted to quickly say that this vn is just incredible- )


El doblaje al español está apenas hecho a la mitad cuando lo terminaras


is this ever getting updated


We can't unfortunately do anything but pray at this point




why is it so fucking scary that was uncalled for five star


not me silently waiting in the shadows for update so I can show my grandkids the new chapter that just came out


This game was amazing, I can't wait to see more!




I can't wait for next update 


that game unexpectedly impressed me and now its one of my favorite games! now i waiting for update))))

and can somebody help me, i still have one picture that I haven't found and it`s 4th picture of sky, how to find it?


the update currently in thin air... waiting 😓


Don't worry, your great-grandchildren are going to witness the update without a doubt


omfg i love the twists on this. entertained me for 2hours it was so funny and yet serious in a way

I loved it hahahaha specially the emotion of Lucy hahahahaahahha 

And the Ikemen Part 😆 😆

I can't express how much I love this

LMAOOOO what's with that Hisoka name

(1 edit)

I absolutely love how it starts off as a cute fun low stakes VN and then suddenly you can just like die basically out of nowhere.

Cute fun low stakes? They talk about charred, dismembered corpses in the first 200 dialogues

Yeah but that was just theatrics and the characters seem unnervingly unphased.



Will there be more updates to this visual novel in the future? This visual novel is one of my favorites.

Please continue with the novel, please, this is one of my favorite visual novels, please.

so like any future updates???? please? AHEM pretty please? with a chrry ontop?.... no?..... k ill just go cry than :3


I'm gonna seduce the blue wolf to escape and crawl to my bed, I DON'T PLAY THE VN SUCH A LONG TIME AGO BUT I REMEMBER THE FIRST TIME I PLAYED IT, IT FELT LIKE A SPARK, In my chest a warming feeling..

Sinto uma atração por uma certa raposa. Estou certo de que ele não é tão bravo quanto parece.

I need Moree 🥹... and wow Kim was.. 

I almost cried due to that scene


É a primeira vez que encontro uma VN furry em português e eu preciso falar: a tradução é PERFEITA! Parece que o jogo foi feito realmente no Brasil! A história é boa e os personagens são hilários! Recomendo MUITO esse jogo! Parabéns mesmo por estarem criando um jogo tão bem feito! Os sprites são maravilhosos e a história, apesar de terem momentos muito cômicos, também tem momentos muito profundos. Eu não tenho palavras o suficiente para descrever um jogo tão bem feito. O jogo de vocês precisa ser reconhecido! Cada personagem tem uma personalidade única que faz a gente se afeiçoar por cada um. É simplesmente magnífico. (Desculpa por escrever tanto, eu sei que isso está parecendo mais uma redação do que um comentário, hahaha...) ❤️


where's the Chinese translation of chapter2?

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